GET ALL 3 – Over 80% Off…Just $27
Here’s What You’re Getting with the Massive Meathead Sale…
- 17 Chest Building & Sculpting routines that deliver FAST results
- The “Better Form For A Bigger Bench” video tutorial that I deliver at every one of my training certifications
- Our “Progress With Percentages” training system that takes ALL of the guess work out of your program and GUARANTEES results
- The 8 methods I’ve used on myself and all of my high paying clients that develop well rounded, JACKED and RIPPED pecs
- The done for you Action Plan that will help you integrate these powerful routines into your current program
- The tricks to a pain free bench press that allows you to develop strength and size for as long as you are lifting
- I’ll teach you the 6 Easy To Fix Mistakes that are PLAGUING your progress (HINT: The so called “experts” are actually teaching you to do these things!)
- I’ll help you attain a sense of Self Empowerment and Respect that can only be achieved by getting the life changing results this product will deliver
GET ALL 3 – Over 80% Off…Just $27
- 10 Simple to Follow, Fast, and Effective Training Routines
- The training secrets that deliver you inches on your arms…FAST!!!
- You’ll learn EXACTLY how to incorporate these badass routines into your existing routine
- I’ll teach you my “12 Principles for Bigger Gun’s”, and how when you follow them you’ll get results that are going to freak you out!!!
- I’ll teach you how to work LESS but get MORE results
- You’ll learn the REAL secrets to building bigger arms in no time at all (HINT: the fitness magazines are LYING to you!!!)
GET ALL 3 – Over 80% Off…Just $27

- The done for you nutritional plan that’s helped COUNTLESS meatheads just like you get that desirable JACKED, RIPPED, and ATHLETIC physique…
- The simple Supplement guide I’ve used to expedite all of my SWOLEdiers results…
- You’ll get to learn ALL of the food combinations that get you FAST RESULTS for YOUR specific goals
- I’ll teach you the TRUTH about proper protein intake (HINT: the supplement industry does NOT want me to let you in on this)
- The tricks to learn how you can manipulate your bodies “Metabolism” to get better results…faster than you EVER thought possible…
- I’m giving you 2 of my own sample diets that show you EXACTLY what to eat for the results you want from your hard training…
- My grocery list that tells you ALL the SWOLE friendly foods you need to keep in your fridge…
- I’m giving you all of the different delicious snacks that I use to eat like a MAN while getting SICK results…
- I’ll teach you the simple tricks to allow you to put on tons of muscle while not gaining an OUNCE of fat…
- You’ll learn how “Carb Manipulation” is the KEY for getting the fast results you want and need…
- You’re getting my “Plug ‘n Chug” plan that teaches you “What” to eat, “How Much” to eat, and “When” to eat it… #EatLikeABadass
GET ALL 3 – Over 80% Off…Just $27

This program ONLY works if you are they type that is unwilling to accept anything less than 100% effort from yourself. If you are a half-asser or tire kicker, I don’t want you having access to these training secrets. Why? Because frankly I’m only interested in helping those that are WILLING to make serious changes in their lives and BECOME the badass that nature intends them to be. Bottomline: pussies and pretenders are not welcome…only action taking BADASSES need apply!!!
GET ALL 3 – Over 80% Off…Just $27