Here’s What You’re Getting:
- The “Elite-8”…
Discover the 8 simple ab exercises you will use as your secret weapon to sculpting a ripped up Six Pack so that you can drive all the ladies wild!
- Six Pack Solution…
The overwhelming majority have the equation all wrong! With our proven methods you will uncover the “truth” about how to build a set of abs that will set you apart from the rest of the crowd.
- 17 Ab Shredding Circuits…
These fast and intense workouts are going to be your blueprints for the bulletproof Six Pack you will receive.
- “Fat Burning Furnace” Theory…
You wouldn’t believe how many of the so-called “Expert Trainers” and “Guru’s” are completely clueless about this advanced fat burning theory. This is the minor tweak to your ab workouts that will help you burn off that last 5-10 lbs. of fat that is blocking your abs from showing! Yet NOBODY is doing it!!!
- Ab Sculpting Action Guide…
Your simple “to-do list” so that after you pick up your copy you can get right to work building the bulletproof core that will help you get all the ladies hot and bothered!
- Core Performance Secret…
For those of you that think working on your abs isn’t macho or manly enough for your delicate psyche, you will be exposed to the big reason why leaving these out might just be the reason your bench, squat and deadlift aren’t flying up like you want them to be.
- Jump Start Training Primer…BONUS
This 9 minute and 47 second core activating warm up will “wake up” your abs so that you can stimulate more muscle fibers and burn more fat!
- “Gettin’ Ripped” Sample Diet…BONUS
You’re getting the exact diet all of our athletes used to get their midsection cut up so that you too can burn fat day & night (long after your workouts end) and develop a chiseled 6-Pack!

DISCLAIMER This program ONLY works if you are they type that is unwilling to accept anything less than 100% effort from yourself. If you are a half-asser or tire kicker, I don’t want you having access to these training secrets. Why? Because frankly I’m only interested in helping those that are WILLING to make serious changes in their lives and BECOME the badass that nature intends them to be. Bottomline: pussies and pretenders are not welcome…only action taking BADASSES need apply!!!