Discover How In Just 90 Days
You Can Completely Transform
Yourself From Pee-Wee Herman
To Sly Stallone!!!
Massive Discount
Here’s What You’re Getting:
- Learn how to master every single move in the training program and build a solid foundation which will get your results right out the gates, helping you feel stronger and looking more muscular than you’ve ever been before.
- Discover how to take your ordinary lifts and with a slight tweak using the “max”pansion method feel like your body is transforming right before your eyes (this technique alone will have you wondering what the heck you’ve been doing all these years).
- How to not only push big weights but do so FAST & EXPLOSIVELY (anyone can be big, but not everyone can be as explosive as dynamite)
- Learn how to constantly dig deep and get that last rep which is responsible for separating the weaklings from the stronger intimidating dudes who always seem to get shit done in and out of the gym.
- How to tap into your “True Genetic Potential” using the max manipulation method (only a select few know of this method, now you will too)
- Step by Step blueprint that’ll transform you from stage 1 ‘Pussy’ to stage 6 ‘Badass’ with specialized exercises, training blueprints, and diet tips all included (you simply do the work, and stand in the mirror amazed at the new you)
Normally $97 – Just $27

Normally $97 – Just $27